Aims and scope

Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics publishes high-quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the fields of decision-making. The material published is of high quality and relevance, written in a manner that makes it accessible to all of this wide-ranging readership. Preference will be given to papers with decision-making implications for the practice of management and engineering.

Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics is an international peer-reviewed journal covering the main aspects of decision-making and providing a source of information for the applied scientist. The journal covers all aspects of decision-making in sustainable development, risk management, supply chain management, sustainability and supply chain management, transportation networks, operations management, artificial intelligence, engineering, economics, energy, and defense among others.

Articles should present new theoretical insights and developments, as well as real-world case studies illustrating the practical implementation of decision-making models. Full experimental and methodical details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

Contents include papers exploring the interactions of decision-making with other relevant disciplines such as artificial intelligence, soft computing, and computer science. This is a unique feature of the Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics compared to other existing decision-making journals, providing a means to explore new directions in management in an interdisciplinary context. Overview papers from eminent scientists in significant fields of management and engineering that review the state-of-the-art in these fields are also welcome.